CLIENT This is the Client for whom the precedent was originally created eg JONES This is very important information as you often remember a useful document eg a will or contract by the client's name Press Esc to Exit Help This is the date when the precedent was created. It is important because the law may have changed. Insert the date as dd/mm/ ie 4th May 1995 is 04/05/1995 (The computer will insert the / ) Press Esc to Exit Help Notes on the precedent. Type a short description of the precedent. Mention useful clauses etc. Press Esc to Exit Help tPMENHLP1 This is the first Menu. Scroll up and down using the UP and DOWN arrows, make your choice and press Enter. A table of the precedents will appear. This first Menu has on it a word search to help you find a precedent whose notes contain a key-word of your choice. The First Menu also has an Index generator - see Index on the Menu. Press Esc to Exit Help Press Enter to see how the system works NB! BACKUP THE SYSTEM OFTEN LAWTOOLS PRECEDENTS - Designed and written by a lawyer for lawyers BACKUP THE SYSTEM OFTEN Lawyers are very busy. As years pass lawyers accumulate precedents. These precedents usually are preciously guarded and stay in the lawyer's section. The precedents contain valuable stored experience. This precedent system does three important things: The precedents stay with their lawyer. The lawyer can find his own precedents fast. All the lawyers have access to each other's precedents. Getting started is very easy: Each lawyer gets his precedents together and puts them in a ring binder file. The lawyer's secretary numbers each precedent using the initials of the lawyer eg PAB followed by 4 digits (start at 1 eg PAB1002 The lawyer then dictates information about each precedent and the secretary types it into the database. Press Esc to Exit Press Esc to Exit Help This is the reference number of the precedent. In the offices there may be piles of precedents. Put the precedents in a ring binder file in each office and number them. The 1st three letters are the initials of the person who has the precedents. Always use 3 initials eg PAB If the person has only 2 initials add X eg JB becomes JBX Start numbering at 1 Some precedents may be in the Library -use LIB for the first three letters Press Esc to Exit Help This is a summary of the precedent. LEASE FORD HOUSE SALE JONES HOTEL Press Esc to Exit Help TOPIC This is the topic LEASE SURETYSHIP Press Esc to Exit Help CLHLP DATHLP NOTHLP PMENHLP w PMENHLP1 REFHLP Z RHLP ! SUMHLP TOPHLP D